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2021/3/29 13:21:20  作者:上海如吉生物


Shanghai Biological Technology Development Co., Ltd. as Kyrgyzstan was established in 2004, is a collection processing and sales of technology-based company, mainly engaged in import of various polymers chemical reagents, biochemical reagents and processing clients need. The company mainly engaged in the import brands have WAKO Biofer Roche TCI and Sigma Randox like; the company also operates high-quality domestic agents, including various microbiological culture media, enzymes and coenzymes, carbohydrates, antibiotics, amino acids and derivatives, vitamins, alkaloids biological stains and indicators, chemical raw materials

我公司設有專門的網絡在線技術客服,為客戶提供正確的產品品類及價格。經過十多年不懈努力與積累,我們的客戶已經遍布全國各地,“REGAL”的品牌形象:誠信經營 嚴謹高效得到廣大客戶所認同。
We have a dedicated network of online technology customer service, providing customers with the right product category and price. After ten years of unremitting efforts and accumulation, our customers have been all over the country, "REGAL" brand: integrity management rigorous and efficient.